Remote Energy Healing
60-75 MINUTES $133
The discovery of quantum mechanics aligns with ancient mystic and shamanic beliefs that everything is energy, and time and space are relative. This revelation supports the idea that energy healing can be effective at a distance, with remote healing often being more profound due to focused attention, comfort, and fewer distractions.
Remote Energy Healing utilizes various energies, including pranic, astral, mental, and sacral energies, aiming to transmute them into healing energy for addressing ailments and promoting overall well-being. The practice, rooted in the Sanskrit words "Tan" (expansion) and "Tra" (liberation), aims to bring the mind and body into liberation by removing energetic blockages and fostering a heart-centered way of being.
If you seek an experience that frees your mind and body, eliminating blockages in your energetic system and guiding you toward a way of living centered on love in this world, you might find resonance with this offering.
1:1 Customized Meditation
30 MINUTES: $50
Want to learn to meditate but don’t know where to start? Overwhelmed by apps and YouTube videos? Schedule an intro call with me to discuss your goals for starting a meditation practice. Together, we’ll create a personalized experience to help you relax, find peace of mind, and feel alive in your heart.
1:1 Yoga Class
60 MINUTES $60
Are you new to yoga and intimidated by attending a class full of yogis? Or maybe you have questions or would just prefer 1:1 classes with me. Please schedule online and if there are no times that align with your schedule, you can email me for further availability.
Please have your own yoga mat and dress in comfortable clothing. If you have a yoga mat and/or block, that would be helpful as well.
Free Yoga Videos
Check out these yoga videos I have recorded from all over the world during some of my travels. These classes are for ALL levels. Please listen to your body and do not push your body past your limit.